本公司始创于1985年 ,是**生产spray gun(喷枪)、air tools(气动工具)和机电产品及配件的厂家,实行严格的质量管理和高级技术人员,始创“威龙”等**,深受国内外用户的**。 公司本着“以质量求生存,以信誉赢客户”的经营态度。技术力量雄厚,检测设备精良,产品以先进的闽台进口压铸机进行枪体压铸,同时拥有精密的CNC加工中心以及国内先进的数控机床及各种主要零件的精加工,以超声波对枪体进行清理,确保了产品品质的稳定,**外形更加美观。 鑫威机械热诚欢迎国内外有意与之合作的有识之士来电来函来人洽谈共叙。 The company is established in 1985 and is a manufacture specialized in making spray gun, air tools, machanical and electrical products and accessories. We conduct strict quality management and employ advanced techonoligical persons. We have created the brand of "weilong" and have received high reputation. The c..